Ready for a new and exciting role? Something that offers flexible working as well as interesting projects to work on? Carry on reading to learn more.
A Council in Central England is in need of a Senior Surveyor to come to join them on a 3 months' rolling contract.
Working on their operational property portfolio, there is plenty of work to keep you busy.
With flexible working a given, you can expect to be out on site and do the rest from the comfort of your own home.
To name a few of the projects;
- Roof renewal of an office building
- Demolition of a School, this project will be from inception to completion
- Refurbishments of temporary accommodation
The Council ideally want someone with the relevant qualifications and experience working in a similar setting previously. If you've managed staff, even better.
So, what's next?
We would like to attract talent from all corners of the Property world for this role. Our commitment is to an equitable recruitment process so feel free to apply in any way that suits you, via WhatsApp, video message, CV, the more creative the better.
Executive Consultant | Property Services
Holly Adams
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