
Expression of Interest - Project/Programme Management (CEng/MICE/DMRB/NEC/LTN 120)



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Your next role

It’s time for the next step.
You’ve earned it.

EOI: Project/Programme Management (Highways, Civils, Infrastructure, Structures, Flood Alleviation, Active Travel). Our forte and reputation is built on the mediation between freelancers, consultants and contractors and end clients (types listed above) on interim/contingent/temporary commissions that ensure maximum of value between one-another...

Oyster have supported >140 Local Authorities, Combined Authorities, Public Bodies, Transport Authorities, Economic Partnerships, Term Contractors and Consultancies nationwide. Our forte and reputation is built on the mediation between freelancers, consultants and contractors and end clients (types listed above) on interim/contingent/temporary commissions that ensure maximum of value between one-another.

Common Myths, debunked:

  • Temporary Assignments only last the duration of their initial contract term;
  • Freelancing/consulting/contracting inhibits your career development;
  • Your Oyster consultant won't understand the technicalities of your current-and-sought after responsibilities, and give sound, measured advice;
  • All Recruitment Consultants are the same.]

Whether you're a Project Engineer who's looking to leave AutoCAD behind and fulfill their ambition of being a master-delegator, or you are a veteran Programme Director who's looking for a fresh strategic programme, we would love to share an open, confidential discussion to see where we can provide value to your career ideas and choices.

You may find a flavour of our recent commissions below:

  • Project Manager - Bus Priority
  • Active Travel Project Manager (LTN 1/20 - ATE)
  • ECI Project Director (Strategic Road Network - Junction Improvement)
  • Programme Director - (£250m Infrastructure Works)
  • Programme Director - (£250m Major Highways Improvement)
  • Senior Project Manager (Bridge Demolition and Reconstruction)
  • Structures Programme Manager (Maintenance and Capital)
  • Senior Project Manager (Flood Alleviation)
  • Lead Project Manager (Link Road)
  • Project Manager (Station Access Upgrade)
  • Project Manager (Sustainable Transport - CRSTS)

Most of our opportunities are not advertised, especially if we have candidates in mind suitable for the job. To be kept in the loop and get first priority, send me an email (jva@oysterpartnership) with both your CV and availability for a chat.

Oyster are compliant with GDPR and your data will not be shared with any other party without your explicit permission. Our commitment is to an equitable recruitment process so feel free to apply in any way that suits you, via WhatsApp, video message, or CV, the more creative the better.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Your ambition is our ambition.
Your ambition is our ambition.

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Speaking with one of our skilled recruitment practitioners is always a great first step. You can request a call back at a time convenient to you.

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